A boutique advisory firm specialising in M&A and commercial guidance for companies within the games industry

Our Services

We offer a variety of customisable advisory services, delivering trusted guidance to CEOs and Founders of gaming companies. Our team can seamlessly integrate with your senior management, working as a direct extension to support your business goals.

  • We collaborate with Founders and CEOs throughout every stage of the M&A process, helping to craft and execute a successful exit plan.

    From identifying potential buyers and preparing for due diligence to assisting with management presentations and negotiating final deal terms, our experienced team is here to guide you through each step of the journey.

  • If you're aiming to grow your business through M&A, the Flagship team provides a tailored approach to help you reach your objectives.

    We support you at every stage, from sourcing and analysing potential targets, and connecting with Founders and CEOs, to managing the project, including coordination with tax, legal, and accounting advisors, and ensuring smooth post-acquisition integration.

  • Whether you're planning to sell your studio with the help of an investment banker or preparing for your next investment round, the Flagship team is here to support you throughout the process.

    We can seamlessly integrate with your senior management team to help you prepare for and manage all aspects of the transaction, acting as your internal corporate development resource and point of contact with bankers, lawyers and investors whilst you focus on the day to day of running your business.

    Our services include identifying potential deal-impacting issues and developing strategies to mitigate them, setting up initial data rooms, and managing all legal, financial, and tax due diligence work streams.

  • Take advantage of our team’s extensive experience in the gaming industry with our comprehensive CFO and commercial advisory services.

    We offer support in reviewing business plans, financial statements, team structures, growth strategies, partnerships, and market expansion, among other areas, to help you navigate the complexities of your growing business.


Our team has deep expertise in the gaming sector having previously held C-level and senior management positions at some of the most successful games companies in recent years.

Ross Logan
Founding Partner

Paul Virapen
Founding Partner

Brian Chadwick

Contact Us

If you would like to explore how Flagship Gaming Partners can support your company, please get in touch with us. We look forward to connecting with you.